Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, January 30, 2010

18 weeks!!

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.

Here we are almost 1/2 threw the pregnancy, I guess the time has gone by fast but 9 months is a LONG time to wait to meet the newest man in my life!! I had my big u/s on Tuesday (17w 6 days. I touched on it briefly but wanted to get a little more into detail. This was a nice appt- no full bladder and its external (on my belly). Like any other appt I was nervous going on, but not as bad as other times. I think its because the baby is moving ALOT :)

Anyways the doc came in, put the gunk on my belly and quickly found the baby. My 1st question is "does he have a hb", she says yes and continues on. I'm not sure why but they didn't put the sound on- I love hearing it, maybe its because they can see it beating? She tells us she is going to check me out before the baby, she looks at the placenta and my cervix and everything is good. For the baby she 1st looks at the baby's profile, makes sure it has a nose bone (checking for markings of downs I think), the baby does!! Then she moves to the head- measures it, then looks at the brain. Tells us everything is growing properly. She then goes to the heart, checks out the 4 chambers and everything is great! The umbilical cord was next, you could see fluid going threw it too the baby, very cool. Next up was the high bone, the tibia? I think that's the name of the bone, not sure why she measured it but I guess its good too. Meanwhile the baby is waving around like a crazy person, moving etc. The doc presses down harder on my belly to try to get him to stop- that didn't work it just hurt me...Somewhere in between all this she checks the spine, she looked extra hard because I told her that I didn't have a AFP4 test (blood test), everything looked great and she said I don't need that test! She looked at the kidneys, gallbladder,lungs and everything was great!! She made sure the baby had skin covering its body, and it does. Since the baby was moving like crazy she told me to walk around, try to pee and come back and maybe the baby would calm down. When I came back he was calm, still awake- playing with its hands but not jumping!! We told her we wanted to know the sex- she ended up getting in a position that was under the baby- and there it was a BOY!! She said his 'goods' looked good and that we have a VERY HEALTHY baby :) We are over the moon.

2 days later, I had my early glucose test. Normally its around 26-28 weeks but since I'm a higher risk (cause of PCOS) I went in early. They give you a drink that looks like a orange soda with more sugar and you sit there and drink it in front of the lab people. You have blood drawn 1hr later. I was soo lucky because my friend called and we chatted for 30 mins or so!! Thanks Ash! I felt a little nauseous, it was wither from the drink or not eating before hand. I had my blood done and went upstairs for my appt with the midwife. This was my 1st appt without my hubby- hes in FL for work, poor baby!! She was running late... the medical assistant who loves me from some reason was chatting with me and decided to rub my belly.hmmm, I don't think she was looking at my face cause she would have stopped. Its weird when people you don't really know touch you- I go into a deer in headlights mode, that's why I don't push them away. If your my friend its perfectly fine to touch me, if not back off please!! I got weighed and had no change, blood pressure was great and that was that. Went into the room and we chatted about the u/s results and she also said the baby is very healthy. Did the doppler, the hb was between 150-160 and the baby was moving alot. I told her that I have been having pains in my belly (to the point of tears) and she thinks its gas- I think shes right. She told me to take colace to help with another problem...
Everything was good and I went on my way. The next morning I got an email from the midwife that my glucose test came back and was great. They wanted the # to be under 139 and it was 114. I'm however going to repeat it at 28 weeks just to be on the safe side. I don't have to do the 3hr, thank god!!

My hubby comes home today so that's very exciting, is soo weird sleeping alone. Well I do have Buddy but its weird. We have missed him. Hopefully we can look at the books tonight and figure out a name for this baby. I hate not having a name for him, its driving me NUTS. I want to register next week or the following- target and babies r us.

Other GREAT news- my boss told me that after maternity leave I can come back and bring the baby :) Hooray

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A healthy baby...

OMG, today was amazing!! My appt was @ 3:30 but I called and got in early @ 1:40, yay me! The baby is big and moving around like crazy- you'd think I had a soda before hand they way it was acting!! The doc looked at everything, every organ and bone etc, it was soo nice. Everything looked perfect, we have a healthy baby on the way. The baby was moving sooo much that she wasnt sure if we were going to be able to get a look at the goods. I ended up walking around for a few minutes and trying again. The baby decided it needed to rest its body- however still playing with its hands!! She got an angle under the bum and there it was- clear as day!! A baby BOY!! A heathy baby BOY!! I have a bunch or pics that I need to scan!!

Happy Tuesday!!

Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

Todays the day!! We have our big ultrasound at 3:30 and they always run late so I'm thinking we wont be out of there until 5! This whole pregnancy and before I was pregnant I thought it was a boy..but yesterday and today I'm kinda thiking girl! I really dont care- as always I'm looking for a strong hb and a heathly baby. I think that I'm feeling the baby move around- its not like a punch or kick but moving. It feels like a fish is swimming in my belly. Soo cool!!
Updates later :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

YaY TaRgEt!!

I went to target today to see if they had some of the baby items I found online in the store (stroller, and infant car seat). Nope. But I was looking at the bedding section and it was a complete disaster- pretty much everythings on clearance. I have been eyeing this girls bumper for ages now and it was on sale: $13.88!! YAY. and I found a boys bumper that I love for $13.88. I plan on getting sheets etc later. I'll return one after my appt on tues (maybe)!!
And even better: my husband likes them both!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

shower buisness

A few weeks ago my MIL started talking about my baby shower, come to find out its going to be at my SIL's house. SO one would think that my SIL would be in charge-nope not the case. Maybe shes not because she works, has a baby etc? Anyway, I was told by my MIL to make a list of people and email her. OKay. Then she said we are planning on having it like Anns (SIL) it was like a tea party. Not up my ally to be honest. I told her I didnt eat anything at that shower because I didnt like the types of tea sandwiches. And if you dont know what a tea sandwiche is: hold out your pinky finger and there is the size, add some mayo and a veggie and thats that. Hmmm no thanks. She then told me: well your a very picky eater and not everyone is like you. GRRR. I told her that friends/family have offered to bring HOT foods, the kind where you have a burner. She said we will see. This is why I wanted to pay for my shower- I am picky but it is my 1st baby shower. (well you only get one but you get the idea). I guess time will tell.

Of course I email my gram- who is helping my MIL. Tell her the things I want, and ask her to pretend they are her ideas!hehe!! My mother isnt able to help out. I might sound like a brat but I'll pay for things so it shouldnt matter. I want printed invitations, and my pretty pretty cake!! Look at this pretty cake. The color will change if its a girl.

I'm going to ask friends if they have any tables/chairs we can borrow. My friend Jackie has offered her tent! Yahoo! The shower will be one of 3 dates. 4/10, 4/11 and 5/8. MArk your calendar :)

4 months pregnant!!

Well I popped!! This week the baby is the size of an avocado- however it kinda looks like there are 500 avocados in there! haha!

Last night we had our 2 week check up with the midwife, our appt was 6:30. We got there and there was no one in the waiting room. Yay, my husband even said I bet we will get in early-haha he jinxed us. At about 6:45 a man and his mother came out and took a seat, they were talking loud so naturally I listened. His wife was in with the midwife and was pregnant and dehydrated. We werent sure why his mom was there... So a few minutes later a young, pretty girl came out and sat with the mom while her hubby made her follow up appts. Weird. He kept on coming back and forth to see if the appt worked for the wife and the mom. Come to find out the wife speaks 4 words of english. Ahh we figured it out-shes a mail order bride. There is no other way she would be with this guy and his mom. We finally get called in @ 7:05.

Midwife comes in- there are 4 or 5 midwifes and I'm sopost to see all of them but because of the schedules I keep getting Suzanne. Anyway she knows that I like the doppler 1st apposed to the end of the visit. She does it right away and there it is clear as day the heart beat, a strong heart beat!! I cry, I always do. Its the most amazing sound to hear. Then we hear swooshing-she said its the baby moving and wow the baby is active. The baby is doing flips! SHe said its very good! YAY!
I've been having lower back pain, I guess its normal in pregnancy. You can see in the pic that my back is now curved. She gave me some exercises to help with the pain, I might end up going to a chriopractor if I find a good one!

On 1/26 we have our big ultrasound. They look at everything on the baby, its about 45 minutes. And if we are lucky we will find out the sex!! I'm still thinking team blue but I dont care, I just want the baby to be super healthy. Two days after that appt is my gluclose test to see if I have gestational diabetes, they are doing it early beacuse I'm higher risk with my PCOS. After I drink the gross drink I have an appt to go over the results of the ultrasound. I think after my u/s and gluclose test I'll retire my lucky outfit, I've been wearing the same out to all of my appts!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year!

Look who's an avocado!!

Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

Happy New Year!! Its alittle late but I'm a total slacker. I'm feeling good but still tired,and nauseous all the time. I'm trying to be a 'normal pregnant person' whatever that is. I tried prenatal yoga and I was by far the worst yoga person in America! haha, seriously the teacher came over 1000 times to tell me I was doing things wrong. But I'm not throwing the towel in yet, I'm going again. Esp since its free at the maternity store. I also used my organic nail polish from a friend thanks friend!!- See I'm getting normal... I finally got rid of my IVF containers and one of the babies pics went from the fridge into a super cute picture frame that says "baby to bee" with a pic of a bee.Thanks Ash!! I also got a baby journal from my friend, thanks Jackie!! I've been slacking on that too. Even though I'm a slacker on most things I did 'help' a friend get pregnant! Well not really but she rubbed my belly and the next day she got her BFP! I'm good luck!

Speaking about rubbing my belly- people are touching me like I'm their BFF. I dont mind if people I know do it. But strangers or people we dont really see need to back off. I'm going to get a shirt from etsy that says "can't touch this". People are soooo weird. When my friends were pregnant I asked before I touched or only did it if they offered.