Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gonal f...

Last night I started the gonal f shot (75 units/last time was 150 units). Giving yourself 2 shots (lupron and g-f) really isnt fun, but I can deal with it. I go back for u/s and b/w on wed and I pray that the eggies are starting to grow. I'm so nervous that my body will reject the gonal f or get used to it and I'll have to start all over with a new plan. Lets pray that doesnt happen. I've been good about googling ivf things...the only thing I did was ivf due date calculator and if what I typed in is correct I'd be due July 1-3ish. It all depends on the retrieval but I have a general idea. OOo wait and I looked at crib bedding-I dont care for the sets and I really like targets mix an match section. However I havent told DH of my selections :) FOr a girl I like poke a dots and stripes and for a boy stripes and stars but my hubby might have something to say about the boys bedding. Everytime I hear a cute name I tell him and he normally hates it and we have the biggest book ever with baby names but we arent really looking at it. The one name we have agreed on is Lindsay. However I'm scared to have a girl-what if she has to go threw all this ivf stuff because I gave her PCOS? Is that possible? No clue. Boy or girl doesnt matter to me as long as s/he is born healthy. I'm rambeling...

This was a good week, my emotions are getting in check and I'm very hopeful that everything will work I'm going to eat my brazil buts to promote good eggie quality!! ANd I just googled it---


  1. I think the baby should be named Liza, but let's not get too ahead of ourselves now. take it day by day, and do not pick out bedding!!!!!! I am reading your blog on a Sunday. I think we have crossed the nurse-patient relationship....

  2. Pretty soon you'll be my friend on facebook! haha! As far as naming the baby girl we will be using 1/2 of your name. LI for Lindsay :)
